
(Based on # of teams we reserve the right to merge divisions)

Entry fee will be paid via etransfer to IAM@ontarioballhockey.CA

Password: ballhockey

Please read the waiver below as all participants must supply an email address confirming they have read the waiver. For youth divisions, a parent/guardian must supply an email address

All the information must be supplied to permit all registered team members the opportunity to participate.

I hearby acknowledge and agree that in consideration of being able to participate in the Maple Leaf Concrete Cup Street Hockey Tournament presented by the Ontario Ball Hockey Association, MLSE Foundation and the City of Vaughan games, exhibitions, performances, programs or activities organized operated or sanctioned by the Ontario Ball Hockey Association, MLSE Foundation and the City of Vaughan and in consideration of the time, effort and money expended by the Ontario Ball Hockey Association, MLSE Foundation and the City of Vaughan in organizing, operating, or sanctioning such programs or activities and for other good and valuable consideration the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged:

I do hearby RELEASE the Ontario Ball Hockey Association, MLSE Foundation and the City of Vaughan its officers, directors, employees, contractors, agents, and members from all claims, damages, causes of action or any recourse whatsoever. In respect of all personal injuries or damage to property which may occur while attending or participating in Ontario Ball Hockey Association, MLSE Foundation and the City of Vaughan games, exhibitions, performances, programs and activities and do DISCHARGE those parties from any and all such liability.

I do hearby acknowledge and agree that the sport of ball hockey and its programs and activities are by their nature RISKY and HAZARDOUS and I ACCEPT PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for those risks and hazards notwithstanding that any personal injury or loss of property which may incur is due to the negligence of the Ontario Ball Hockey Association, MLSE Foundation and the City of Vaughan or any of its officers, directors, employees, contractors, servants, agents, and members.

I do hearby acknowledge and agree that notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing I declare that I will not commence litigation or otherwise recover damages or other compensation for personal injury or loss of property against any of the parties named herein based on any claim, damages, causes of action or any recourse whatsoever arising out of games, exhibitions, performances, programs and activities organized, operated, or sanctioned by the Ontario Ball Hockey Association, MLSE Foundation and the City of Vaughan, as a COMPLETE DEFENSE to any and all claims, damages, causes of action, or recourse or liability which may arise at any time.

I have carefully read this release and waiver, which I fully understand and I freely and voluntarily accept. I expressly acknowledge that I have the option of not participating in the games, exhibitions, programs, or activities organizes, operated or sanctioned by the Ontario Ball Hockey Association, MLSE Foundation and the City of Vaughan but do so upon the terms and conditions set out above.

Photography & Videographer waiver:
I do hereby grant the Ontario Ball Hockey Association, MLSE Foundation and the City of Vaughan the permission to take photographs of me. I also authorize the Ontario Ball Hockey Association, MLSE Foundation and the City of Vaughan, its agents, assigns, successors or transferees without limitation, the full rights to use such photographs for publication in the form taken for the purpose of publicity, illustration, and/or advertising for the Ontario Ball Hockey Association, MLSE Foundation and the City of Vaughan related promotional purposes. I understand that this image will be held strictly within the control of the Ontario Ball Hockey Association, MLSE Foundation and the City of Vaughan and will not be sold or release to third parties. I hereby waiver any rights to inspect or approve the finished product or the advertising copy or printed matter that may be used in connection therewith. I hereby state that I have read the above agreement, and that I am fully familiar with the contents thereof.